Helping Farm And Small Business Owners Succeed For Over 70 Years
We understand small business because we started as a small business
FBC was founded on the belief that Canadians should receive every benefit of filing their taxes. And for over 70 years, our focus continues to be the financial peace of mind of our Canadian farmers and business owners. We help you pay less tax and will support your back office needs through affordable bookkeeping and payroll services.
Over 70 years supporting Canadian farms and small businesses.
Every year we help our Members save over $42 million.
Over 20,000 business and farms choose FBC for accounting support.
Over 70 Years Of Being There When You Need Us
Across Canada, we connect you with the help you need
When you own your own business, your time is money. Our national
network of accounting and tax specialists are ready to serve you –
anywhere you are.

A national network of 12 offices –
from B.C. all the way to Nova Scotia
Our tax and accounting specialists can meet local needs at local offices, but
their virtual support can be delivered across Canada.
To get started with FBC, call 1-800-265-1002
You work hard for your money. We help you keep it.
We work around your schedule. Whether it’s on-the-go, at your job site, or your kitchen table, we are where you need us to be.
We Go Above And Beyond For Our Tax Members
Working with you wherever you are
We can come to your home, your place of business, or connect online. When we meet, our focus is on understanding the details of your operation, so we don’t miss any opportunities for tax savings.

Success Now And Over The Long Term
Helping you year-round
Tax preparation is key, but so is tax planning and ongoing business support. This kind of long-term strategy minimizes taxes and helps Members do better financially.
The Best Defence Is A Good Offence
Compliant tax returns backed by accurate bookkeeping
We prepare more than 30,000 tax returns every year and we stand behind every one of them. If you’re audited by the CRA, as a FBC Member, we’ll represent you at no extra cost.

Why Members Love To Work With Us
Making your life less taxing
Our membership approach to tax and bookkeeping support makes us an industry leader. Every year we save our Members over $42 million. We know taxes. We can help.

We're Here Whenever You Need Us
Ready to find out how FBC Tax
Membership can work for you?
"When I started my own trucking business 10 years ago, FBC helped set me up. My corporation, my GST number, payroll - everything. Whenever I have questions or need advice, I know it's going to be handled."
- Joe T. Winnipeg, Manitoba
Whether you're buying your own rig, or looking to expand your operations, we can help you - just like Joe.
FBC Learning Centre
Free Download:
Your guide to building wealth through year-round tax planning
Lots of small business owners scramble to meet the tax deadline. Many more even miss it. Taking a year-round approach to tax planning means you’ll not only file on time, you’ll hang onto more of your money.