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Alberta Emergency Isolation Support

Last updated: Mar. 29, 2021

Last updated: Mar. 29, 2021 

Originally published March 27, 2020 

This is archived material. Please refer to the Government of Alberta for additional information.


UPDATE:  The Government of Alberta’s Emergency Isolation Support program is now closed after successfully distributing funds to over 79,596 eligible Albertans since the launch of the program.  The content of this post provides a summary of the program prior to closing.

If your employees are experiencing a loss of income from self-isolation due to COVID-19, they can apply for a one-time payment from the province.

FBC has looked through the guidelines and prepared a summary you can distribute to your employees.

What is the Alberta Emergency Isolation Support?

The Emergency Isolation Support is a temporary program intended to bridge the gap for Albertans until the Federal Emergency Care Benefit is available in April.

You can receive a one-time emergency isolation support payment of $1,146 if you are required to self-isolate or are the sole caregiver of someone in self-isolation and are experiencing a total or significant loss of income.

If you are eligible for federal Employment Insurance benefits, the provincial government is encouraging you to apply immediately to ensure there’s no gap in coverage.

What are the eligibility requirements?

The Emergency Isolation Support covers you if you have experienced total or significant loss of income and are not receiving compensation from any other source if:

  • You have been diagnosed with COVID-19
  • You have been directed by health authorities to self-isolate
  • You are caring for someone who is self-isolating

You are not eligible for this program if you: 

  • Were not working immediately before you were advised to self-isolate
  • Can work from home
  • Are not experiencing a significant loss of income as a result of self-isolation
  • Are currently collecting other forms of income support or employer benefits while self-isolated, such as:
    -workplace sick leave benefits
    -federal employment insurance (EI) benefits
  • Are staying home to care for a dependent who is home for a reason other than self-isolation
  • Reside outside of Alberta

How do I apply? 

  • The program is now closed and no longer accepting applications

Other program available to Albertans: 

  • Utility payment deferral
  • Student loans repayment deferral
  • Deferrals on ATB lines of credit and mortgages for up to 6 months
  • Deferrals on 2019 tax returns until June 1, 2020

Click here for more information on programs available to Albertans during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Disclaimer: The material above is provided for educational and informational purposes only.

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