Optimizing Your Farm’s Tax Strategy
When it comes to farm work, it’s not unusual to offer additional perks for employees.
When it comes to farm work, it’s not unusual to offer additional perks for employees.
You’ve worked tirelessly on your farm. Now, it’s time to reap the rewards… and pay as little tax as possible.
Last updated: Dec. 4, 2024
*UPDATED FOR 2024* The calendar year may be winding down, but there’s still time to create a strategy to lower your tax bill and boost your bottom line. 1. Long-Term Tax Strategy and Business Transition Plan If you haven’t already developed a long-term tax strategy or business transition plan, it’s … Read more
Long hours, harsh conditions, and a constant battle against the clock. As a truck driver, you’ve got a lot on your plate. But what about your taxes?
Misunderstandings swirled as farmers tried to prepare for the impact of the new capital gains inclusion rates, which took effect in June 2024.
While most Canadians are never subject to Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), business owners who generate high income may find themselves subject to this alternative tax regime.
As a self-employed tradesperson, juggling jobs, quotes, and invoices keeps you busy enough – never mind thinking about taxes before they’re due.
Like farming, tax planning is a year-round activity, and the end of the calendar year is the perfect time to implement strategies to maximize tax savings.
The shift to remote work has become the new normal. One of the biggest questions is: what are my responsibilities when it comes to home office expenses?