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Business Insights

Pros and Cons of Doing Your Own Corporate Taxes

Man doing his own corporate taxes at a desk in Canada

Last updated: Jan. 30, 2024 
In an attempt to save money, small business owners often ask, “Can I do my own corporate taxes?” Our answer is: “Yes, of course you can!” However, it’s important to know what you are getting yourself into because DIY business tax filing can end up costing far more than hiring a … Read more

Tools to Manage Farm Risk and Finance

Farmer standing in field using tools to manage farm risk and finance

Last updated: Dec. 22, 2023 
Producers and agribusiness owners face unique challenges, especially when it comes to operating their businesses. It can be difficult to know where to look for assistance programs that focus on risk management and protecting agricultural producers from income and production losses.  The following initiatives were designed to help Canadian farmers … Read more

Tax Preparation Tip: Handling Work-Related Vehicle Expenses

A toy car on a desk next to a person filling out tax preparation paperwork

Last updated: Oct. 10, 2023  For self-employed individuals, claiming tax deductions correctly can be a time-consuming, frustrating, and complex process, especially when it comes to tracking vehicle expenses.  Using your personal vehicle for business purposes or to earn business income allows you to deduct a certain percentage of related expenses, such as fuel and maintenance … Read more

T4A Requirements for Contractors and Self-Employed Workers

A contractor with a calculator reviewing T4A requirements for contractors

Last updated: Jul. 26, 2023  An important part of the Canadian tax system, a T4A slip, is also considered a statement of pension, retirement, annuity, or other income. This type of slip is issued to anyone who receives income that’s not considered employment-related, such as money earned from pensions, annuities, self-employment, and more.  What are … Read more

What Is Income Splitting, and How Does It Benefit Canadian Farmers?

Canadian farmers discussing income splitting.

Last updated: Jun. 8, 2023  Income splitting redistributes income within a family—typically from a higher-earning spouse in a higher tax bracket to a spouse in a lower tax bracket. This strategy may help reduce a family’s overall tax burden, by helping the higher-earning partner reduce their  tax bill.  Income splitting takes advantage of Canada’s progressive … Read more

Answering employers’ COVID-19 medical leave and note questions

Last updated: Oct. 8, 2021  As part of our commitment to helping you stay informed about the Covid-19 support programs available from the federal and provincial governments, we will also curate and share content that provides additional insights, perspectives and opinions from some of our business partners and other sources from around the web. This … Read more

Longer Hours – More Scrutiny

Last updated: Oct. 8, 2021  As part of our commitment to helping you stay informed about the COVID-19 support programs available from the federal and provincial governments, we will also curate and share content that provides additional insights, perspectives and opinions from some of our business partners and other sources from around the web. This … Read more

How to Sell During Turbulent Times

Last updated: Oct. 8, 2021  Originally published April 29, 2020 The old ways of selling may not work during crisis times. Here are some other ways to attract and keep customers. Running a business isn’t easy — it’s a constant struggle to offer value, and provide reliable service, while remaining financially viable. All small … Read more

Managing Cash in Crisis

Last updated: Oct. 8, 2021  Most small business experts agree – cash is king. Having cash in the bank rather than being tied up in inventory or receivables can protect your small business from potential threats. That’s true in the best of circumstances. It’s even more critical during a crisis when the survival of your … Read more